Dr U K Sarkar, Director of ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBFGR), Lucknow, visited the MSSRF Fish For All Centre, Poompuhar, and field sites on February 6 and 7, 2023.
At Pichavaram, he interacted with tribal communities involved with in the conservation programmes implemented by MSSRF with support of NBFGR. He visited the crab fattening unit in Mudasalodai fishing village, near Pichavaram backwaters and distributed water crabs to 15 Irular tribal fisher families. Dr Sarkar also interacted with Irula tribes and shared insights on conservation of natural fish genetic resources while discussing livelihood enhancement options.

Dr Ajith Kumar, Scientist In-charge, The Peninsular and Marine Fish Genetic Resources (PMFGR), Cochin and Dr Kathirvel Pandiyan, Scientist at PMFGR, Cochin, were also present as the event was facilitated by Dr S Velvizhi, Head of Fish for All Centre and her team.

He later visited the portable fish hatchery unit established in the centre with the financial support of ICAR- NBFGR under its Scheduled Caste sub plan (SCSP) and interacted with the fish farmers. Further discussions also happened on extending support for the production of more quality seeds to meet farmers’ demands through the establishment of hatcheries, supply of diversified species of fish fingerlings distribution of feed and other infrastructures like nets under SCSP. He also interacted with ECAS students on the conservation of fish genetic resources.