A training programme on management of ghost gears in the marine environment was conducted on November 9 and 11 at Mandapam and Rameswaram respectively, by MSSRF under the UNDP SGP project. The programme was inaugurated by Ms Prabavathy, Deputy Director of Fisheries, Ramanathapuram and Mr Sivakumar, Assistant Director of Fisheries. 125 fishers from 12 coastal villages participated, representing six country craft associations, six trawler boat associations, two fishermen cooperative societies, a women’s cooperative society, also women seaweed cultivators.

Dr Velvizhli, Head of MSSRF’s Fish for All Centre, spoke about the impact of poor ghost gears management on the marine environment. The training raised awareness and provided effective preventive measures to combat the negative effects of ghost gears and other types of marine litter on marine ecosystems. The fishers shared their experiences and concerns regarding ghost gears as well.
On November 25, a ghost gear clean- up drive was organised at Mandapam with 25 fishermen volunteers. 800 m length of shore was covered and 600 kg marine debris was collected including 350 kg of ghost gears, 100 kg of bottles, 70kg of chappals, 80 kg of other plastics. Spades and rakes were distributed to encourage volunteers to continue clearing ghost gear waste along the seashore.