The Kulumai Milk Producer Company Ltd (KMPCL), Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, is supported by MSSRF. The FPC received the ESAF award for best social impact of collectives in India during the 31st ESAFoundation Day celebrations on March 11, in Thrissur, Kerala. The collective was chosen based on its success stories, and level of social impact among economically and socially marginalised communities. The award and cash prize were received, by Ms Sivanagalakshmi, CEO, Board of Directors, and staff of KMPCL.
KMPCL, a subsidiary of the Kulumai SHG Federation, facilitates small-scale dairy production among small producers. The crucial service extended by the KMPCL to its shareholders is marketing and quality-based pricing through milk collection centres that ensure quality milk procurement, storage, and timely payment to the milk producers. The shareholder’s access to productive resources, such as technology suitable for smallholders in forage production, nutrition and health management, as well as, timely credit and insurance services, was facilitated through collaboration with Veterinary University Training and Research Centre, and NABARD.
Besides providing quality cattle feed at a lower price to its shareholders, the company also organises animal health camps with local veterinary assistance, and consciously built appropriate institutional linkages. With 1000 plus members (85 percent women), KMPCL has an annual turnover of 65.78 lakhs. These women farmers become entrepreneurs by accessing market, financial, input linkages, and capacity development through collectives, making for a transformative social impact among its members.